How Can I Lose Weight While Still Eating Chocolate?
Do you want to lose weight, but love chocolate SOOO much?
You’re not alone.
But the problem is, most diets tell you that you can’t eat chocolate.
How often do you hear people say: “I’m not eating chocolate because I’m trying to lose weight”
And when you follow these diets, you feel terrible. You feel deprived. Your cravings for chocolate go through the roof.
And it becomes impossible to stick to any diet.
So the answer is clearly that you need to find a way to lose weight, while still enjoying chocolate.
Is this possible?
Yes it is. This is what I help my clients do every day at my weight loss clinic.
So I’m going to share some of the strategies I use with you now.
4 tips for losing weight healthily while still enjoying chocolate:
1. Go for the best
When you think about it, you’ll be surprised by how often during a normal day you end up eating chocolate that isn’t even that good.
Maybe it’s a chocolate bar someone offered you at work. Maybe it’s a gift that someone gave you.
It’s either low quality chocolate or a type that you personally don’t like.
And either way, you’re still eating it.
Well the easiest thing to do is make a rule for yourself.
“I will only eat chocolate that I really love”
As soon as you follow this rule, you can easily turn away substandard chocolate and flavours that you don’t enjoy, so that you can save yourself for chocolate you absolutely love.
This alone, will mean you end up eating less of it.
2. Control your environment.
Most people get into trouble because they translate their love of chocolate into having regular access to chocolate. But what this means is rather than deliberately deciding to eat chocolate, you end up just having it “because it was there”.
Don’t do this.
Don’t keep chocolate bars in your desk at work.
Don’t buy multi-pack bars to keep at home.
Make it an inconvenience to get your hands on chocolate.
3. Don’t use chocolate for any other functions aside from a good tasting snack.
If you love the taste of chocolate then eat it. But eat it because you love the taste.
Try and eliminate it from being a pick-me-up when you’re feeling tired, a stress relief, or a boredom buster.
This really applies to any food. If you’re finding that a particular food is serving other functions aside from satisfying hunger or because you love the taste, then it’s overstepped its boundaries.
Find other ways to deal with fatigue, stress or boredom that don’t involve food (or alcohol … or tobacco)
4. A True Treat
Don’t let chocolate be a quick snack.
Instead, any time you eat chocolate, make sure it’s a deliberate, conscious choice.
And when you have some, sit down, take a break, and slowly savour each mouthful.
If you really do love chocolate, then give it the space, time and focus to really enjoy it.
Yes you can eat chocolate and lose weight
You can eat chocolate and still lose weight. It just requires being a little bit more discerning about how you eat your chocolate and when.
Want some more practical tips for how to lose weight while still enjoying foods that you love?