“I’m 47. Is It Too Late For Me To Lose Weight?”
If you think you're too old to lose weight, I have some very good news for you...
If you think you're too old to lose weight, I have some very good news for you...
Hi, I'm Dr Khandee Ahnaimugan but everyone calls me Dr K. For the last 11 years, I’ve run an exclusive weight loss clinic in Harley Street, London where I only see women over 40.
When a client walks into my office for the first time, one of the most common expressions I hear them mention is “last chance saloon”.
They feel like this is their last opportunity to lose weight. In fact many of them feel that it may already be too late to lose weight.
The reason they think this is because they’ve noticed something that happens to a lot of women after 40: They can’t lose weight like they used to.
They remember that in their twenties, they were able to go on almost any diet and instantly start losing weight. Losing 10 pounds in a week wasn’t impossible for some.
But as the years passed, the quick-fix diet became less and less reliable. The amount of weight they could lose in a week became less and less. It took more and more effort and life got in the way a lot easier.
By their mid-40’s a fear starts to develop: Is this it?
As one client put it: “Am I going to be doomed to getting older and fatter”?
As someone who has run a clinic where I only see women over 40 (the average age of my clients is 53), I can happily tell you some very good news…
The Happy Reality
Not only is it possible for you to lose weight. But what seems like a downside could actually turn out to be the biggest advantage you ever had.
But first, let’s talk about success in weight loss for women in their late 40’s or early 50’s:
“Last night I was out at dinner and my friends said – you’re so skinny these days!"
I do feel happy and pleased my weight loss/management and training are paying dividends at 56!”
— JL, Lost 1 stone 8 pounds (10kg /22 pounds)
“I certainly would highly recommend this process to anyone who wants to lose a substantial amount of weight. It has been brilliant for me so thank you again.”
— LM, 58, lost 2 stone 3 pounds (14kg/ 31 pounds)
“I definitely couldn’t have done it without the support of Dr K and his approach and couldn’t recommend him more highly.
I now feel in control of what I eat, but still get to enjoy food as much as before.
It’s a brilliant feeling to be the weight I want to be, at the age of 48.”
— RK, 48, lost 3 stone 5 pounds (21kg/47 pounds)
These testimonials (and you can find many more here) are from clients who found something paradoxical.
Despite a lifetime of weight struggles, it was only AFTER diets stopped working for them, that they were able to achieve their goal.
Let me just repeat that, because it goes against everything you would ever believe about weight loss.
They were only able to achieve their goal AFTER diets stopped working for them.
How does this work? How can it be that as it got more and more difficult to lose weight, they were actually able to reach their goal weight, something that they had never managed to do, even in their twenties and thirties when diets still seemed to work.
It all comes down to one question.
Over and Over or
Once and For All?
Which is better? Lugging a bucket of water from a well each time you need a drink? Or opening a tap and having clean fresh water whenever you need it without ever having to trudge in the cold again? Of course having it on tap is much better.
Similarly, is it better to be able to lose 5 pounds quickly but always be dieting?
Or is it better to be slim and healthy and NEVER have to go on a diet again?
Of course sorting out the problem once and for all is the best option.
The Trap Most People Fall Into
And although this seems so ridiculous when you think about it, but being able to lose 5 pounds quickly whenever you need to, keeps people stuck in going for quick fixes instead of trying to solve the underlying problem.
In your thirties, if you have an upcoming party or beach holiday, it seems easiest to just go on a quick diet and lose a few pounds.
But as I say to clients, I don’t want you to be slim for this summer. I want you to be slim for every summer.
Your Advantage
And this is why you actually have an incredible advantage in your late 40’s and early 50’s. Diets don’t work anymore. You’ve seen evidence of that yourself. With each passing day, they become less and less effective.
So now you’re faced with a choice. Keep flogging the dead horse of diets or admit that quick fixes are not the solution anymore.
Many clients find that with the option of diets now off the table, it finally allows them the clarity of mind to devote themselves to a long-term, permanent solution.
When you can’t rely on quick fixes, it’s time to solve the problem once and for all.
What is the Long-Term Solution?
When most people think of losing weight, they focus on the outer transformation: A slimmer body, more energy, clothes fitting better.
But these things (if they are to last) are actually just the payoff for making inward changes.
The inner transformation leads to outer transformation.
If you have made inner changes, you’ll get the outer changes. And they’ll last for the long-term.
So what are these inner changes?
It’s All About Habits
Your ticket to lasting weight loss comes down to changing your habits.
We all have habits when it comes to eating. For example, it may be:
- A certain snack you like to eat after dinner.
- A way of dealing with stress that involves eating.
- Using food for an energy boost in the afternoon.
Lasting weight loss comes from changing these habits.
When you make these new habits automatic and second nature, then you’re set for life.
How Do I Do This?
“Food is no longer the focus of my life. I’m in control of myself again. Being older and slim. I can’t get my head around it! It’s like a miracle.”
— Emma P, 44
“I can’t thank you enough. I just feel like a different person. It feels like I’ve come so far, from 15 years ago, starting my first diet, and now thinking I don’t need it any more. I’ve broken the cycle.”
Helen M